A new world of and wander vol.3and wander MIYASHITA PARKand wander journal #14
そうした人々に向けて、今夏にかけて、and wanderの世界観を凝縮した、業態の異なる3つのお店をオープンします。 その内容を3回に分けてご紹介。
第三回は、渋谷の新名所「MIYASHITA PARK」に登場する店舗の紹介です。
「and wander MIYASHITA PARK」オープン
渋谷の新しいランドマーク「MIYASHITA PARK」に出店したand wanderは、どのようなコンセプトのもと生まれたのか。 and wanderデザイナーの池内と森の二人が、店舗設計を手がけた長坂常氏とともに語る
Want to enjoy inspiring fashion both in your urban life and during your nature experience?
By summer 2020, we are opening three different types of new stores that fully embodies the worldview of our brand, and wander.
This series consists of three articles, which introduces each of our three new stores.
The third article will be on the and wander shop in “MIYASHITA PARK”, a new shopping mall in Shibuya.
“and wander MIYASHITA PARK” is now open!
An Interview: Jo Nagasaka (Schemata Architect)×Keita Ikeuchi×Mihoko Mori
This interview will shed light on the concept of the new and wander shop which opened in a new landmark in Shibuya called “MIYASHITA PARK”. Ikeuchi and Mori, the designers of and wander, and Jo Nagasaka, who designed the shop, have some interesting stories to tell.

池内啓太(以下池):「and wander MIYASHITA PARK」にはand wanderのラインナップが、ほぼすべて並んでいます。シーズンごとのコレクションやサイズ展開をふくめ、ブランドの全体像や、服に込めたメッセージが伝えやすくなりました。
森美穂子(以下森):ショップというかたちでメッセージを発信するという意味では、これまでも元代々木のフラッグショップ「MT. and wander」をとおして、ブランドの世界観を打ち出してきました。「MT. and wander」では、and wanderのラインナップに加え、山登りの道具やアウトドア関連の本をそろえ、山登りやハイキングを楽しんでもらうためのきっかけづくりを意識しています。
今回オープンした「and wander MIYASHITA PARK」もフラッグショップですが、「MT. and wander」とはアプローチの方向性を少し変えています。アウトドアブランドということはしっかり伝えつつ、もともと支持してくださっている方々はもちろん、はじめて目にした方にも、すんなり入っていただける空間をめざしました。
Keita Ikeuchi (“Ikeuchi”): “and wander MIYASHITA PARK” has pretty much everything. Since this shop has a complete array of our items including the seasonal collections and our full selection of sizes, it is much easier for us to convey the image of the brand as well as the message we expressed through our items.
Mihoko Mori (“Mori”): Speaking of delivering our messages through the shop, we have also been attempting to showcase the brand’s philosophy through our flag shop, “MT. and wander” in Motoyoyogi. At “MT. and wander”, there are various mountaineering goods as well as outdoor related books and magazines, not to mention the line of and wander items. We intend to create an opportunity for our customers to really enjoy hiking and mountain climbing. This new shop, “and wander MIYASHITA PARK”, is also a flag shop, but we took a different approach this time. The shop was designed to be welcoming to all customers including both new and regulars, but we also made sure that it is easy to tell that and wander is an outdoor brand.
Jo Nagasaka (“Nagasaka”): And that is exactly why you invited me in the team, right?

長:and wanderがスタートした時点から、森さん、池内さんの活動は拝見してきましたし、つぎはどんなことをやってくれるのかなという期待感は、つねにもっていました。ただし、今回の設計にかんしては、これまでの先入観を捨て、おふたりの姿勢や考えかた、ブランドの個性を、あらためて理解することが必要でした。それをふまえたうえで、and wanderの魅力を最大限に活かすための空間をつくらなければなりません。
Mori: Absolutely. We were already acquainted, but this was our first time asking you to actually be involved in our shop design. Every time we had a meeting, I was more and more excited to see how the shop is going to be.
Nagasaka: Ever since the launch of this brand, I have been tracking Ms. Mori and Mr. Ikeuchi’s initiatives and always had this feeling of anticipation for what is to come. In this project, however, I had to think outside the box and completely understand your mindset or how you think, and even rediscover the uniqueness of the brand. Basically, what I needed to do was to combine all these information together and reflect it in the shop design to fully demonstrate the brand’s appeal.
Mori: We had several interview sessions for this very reason.
Nagasaka: In fact, this process is very important for me too. I can come up with new ideas and develop innovative designs by learning something new. I call this process an “update of knowledge”.

池:おかげさまで「and wander MIYASHITA PARK」は可変性の高い空間になりました。シーズンごとに見せかたを変えることができるという点では、ぼくたち自身の手で空間そのものを自由にコーディネートできる。
Ikeuchi: Thanks to your help, “and wander MIYASHITA PARK” turned into a wonderful space that is easy to rearrange from time to time. We can simply change the layout according to the season and coordinate the space any way we want to, by our own hands.
Nagasaka: My very first image of the shop was an “open space with no partitions”. Usually, there are two separate spaces; one is for displaying products and the other is for storing off-the-shelf inventories. But I decided to put them in one big space, without any distinction. I wanted to get rid of the idea that you must distinguish between the space for display and the space to conceal. So, my whole idea was to ensure “transparency and openness”. This way, it will be easier to encourage open communication and interaction within the shop.
Ikeuchi: I thought that was a bold idea.
Nagasaka: That is why I want the members of staff in the shop to change the layout now and then, so that the customers can enjoy walking around the space and “explore”.
Also, as an architect, I sympathize with how Ms. Mori and Mr. Ikeuchi tries to understand the characteristics of each material and handles them. Your approach, like searching for a new material or exploring a new way to use them, is somewhat similar to an architectural approach.

池:ちなみに、カラビナやロープを活用したディスプレイは、これまで「MT. and wander」などでもおこなってきましたが、そうしたやりかたも、さりげなく取り入れてもらいました。
長:そのなかに「and wander MIYASHITA PARK」が新たに加わるわけですね。これからの展開が楽しみです。
Mori: You can find so many interesting and creative ideas within this new shop. In terms of materials, I was really fascinated by the mirror that is made of a reflective film. It looks nothing more than a plain mirror at a glance, but it’s actually super light and compact because it’s just a film. In fact, you can even slightly see through them to the other side!
Ikeuchi: In regard to the details, the height of the hanger rods is quite amazing. It’s not too high, and it’s not too low. I noticed that they are set at the perfect height when I was actually putting our items on display. This design idea is also linked to the whole “rearrangeable” concept, right?
Nagasaka: That is right. I have installed a ceiling grid so that you can move the hanger rods wherever you want to as long as it is under the grid. If you adjust the length of the strings that are holding the rod, you can even change its height. I would be happy to see the space to be completely different every time I visit the shop. In other words, I want your staff to have that “boldness” and master using the ceiling grid.
Ikeuchi: We have been using carabiners and strings for our display at our other shops including “MT. and wander”, so we made a request to Mr. Nagasaka to adopt this display method for our new shop too.
Nagasaka: This idea was really exciting and fun. I think it represents exactly how a shop of an outdoor brand should look like.
Ikeuchi: If you walk along Meiji-dori Avenue from Harajuku to Shibuya, you will see many outdoor brands. This is a sight that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. I have never seen it in Europe or the U.S. and I believe this is a sight that can only be seen in Tokyo.
Nagasaka: So, “and wander MIYASHITA PARK” is now joining the club! I can’t wait to see what’s next for us.

text Jorge Oshiro
photography Yurika Kono
translation Masumi Tokugawa