A new world of and wander vol.1and wander MOBILE VANand wander journal #11
そうした人々に向けて、今夏にかけて、and wanderの世界観を凝縮した、業態の異なる3つのお店をオープンします。
どこまでも行こう。移動販売車“and wander MOBILE VAN”、始動!
自然の豊かな場所や、全国のさまざまなイベントでも商品を届けたい。そんな思いから誕生したand wanderの移動販売車、その名もand wander MOBILE VAN。季節や空間・アクティビティに対応した商品と遊び心を積み込んで、いよいよ始動します。
Want to enjoy inspiring fashion both in your urban life and during your nature experience?
By summer 2020, we are opening three different types of new stores that fully embodies the worldview of our brand, and wander.
This series consists of three articles, which introduces each of our three new stores. The first article will be on our fashion truck.
Our destination can be anywhere. Fashion truck “and wander MOBILE VAN” is ready to start!
Our dream to “deliver our items nationwide, from places that are full of nature to various events held across Japan” drove us to roll out a new initiative. That is, and wander’s fashion truck, called “and wander MOBILE VAN”. Loaded with array of seasonal, activity-based, and adaptive items along with a sense of fun, we are now about to start the engine.

気になるand wander MOBILE VANの車両はというと、アメリカから輸入した1980年代のシボレーP10を改装したもの。アメリカでは古くから主に配達用のトラックとして親しまれ、“ミルクバン”の愛称ももつステップバンです。
そもそも、デザイナー池内さんと森さんの二人には、実際に機能的なアイテムが使われるフィールドでand wanderを手にとってもらいたいという思いから、どこへでも出かけられる移動販売車で全国をめぐりたいという構想はブランド立ち上げ時からあったそう。そんな二人が、国内外でイメージに合う車を探していたところ、積荷なども考慮したサイズ感的にこちらのシボレーP10が候補になったのだとか。
The vehicle chosen for the “and wander MOBILE VAN” is a renovated, US-imported 80’s model Chevrolet P10. Known familiarly as the “milk truck”, Chevy P10 step vans were mainly used for delivery in the US back then.
In fact, the two founders of this brand, Keita Ikeuchi and Mihoko Mori, have had the concept of travelling around the country with their fashion truck ever since the launch of their brand. They’ve always had the hope to allow the users to take a look at and wander’s functional items for themselves within the field where the items are actually used. As the two searched globally for a vehicle that matches their concept and image, the Chevy P10, having the perfect size and load capacity, became their best option.

目を引くのは、クールで重厚感のある銀色のボディ。これは、もともとの白い塗装を磨き、アルミの素地を出したもの。タフさがありながらも、モード感を大切にするand wanderならではの仕様に。
The van has an attractive appearance with a stylish and imposing body, finished in silver. We have renovated the vehicle to show the natural aluminum silver color by scuffing the original white-color coating off. This texture represents both durability and the high-fashion sense of and wander brand.
The and wander MOBILE VAN is refurbished with the finest details: there are large windows on both sides of the vehicle, just like the serving windows of a catering car, lights for night-time business hours, and steps that allows our customers to easily come inside the van. In addition to this unique fashion truck, we are also working on making a tarp to extend the shop space.

こちらの移動販売車、今後は登山道の入口、夏のフェスやキャンプ、あるいは都市部でのイベント会場等へ出かけます。出店先によって商品の入れ替えを予定しているので、会場によってまさに一期一会の出会いがあるはず。山へ、街へ、海へ。どこまでも走り続けるand wander MOBILE VANの登場を、楽しみに待っていてくださいね。
This and wander’s fashion truck will be visiting various areas, including the starting point of hiking trails, outdoor live events, camping areas, and event venues in the urban areas. Shopping at our fashion truck can be a once-in-a-lifetime-chance to discover your perfect partner as the items change according to the shop location.
Our van will go anywhere ― to the mountains, to the cities, to the ocean. Be prepared for the upcoming release of “and wander MOBILE VAN”!
* For further details on the schedule and locations, please check our News page.

photography&movie Daisaku Kikuchi
text euphoria FACTORY
translation Masumi Tokugawa