Report | and wander HIKING CLUB
in Kita-Yatsugatakeand wander journal #71
The Yatsugatake Massif stretches from the east side of Lake Suwa in central Nagano into Yamanashi prefecture. The range can be divided into Northern and Southern Yatsugatake which have quite contrasting landscapes. Southern Yatsugatake is steep and rocky and is host to Yatsugatake’s highest peak–Akadake (2,899m). Northern Yatsugatake, on the other hand, has much gentler slopes and is home to a variety of alpine landscapes, including forests, lakes, and differently shaped peaks.
The setting for this Hiking Club was Northern Yatsugatake. This trip was the club’s first snow hike and was held over two days. The group stayed at the Kuroyuri Hyutte, located on the Kuroyuri plain at an altitude of 2,400m, and the two days were a great opportunity for participants to fully experience winter hiking. Read on to discover the beautiful snowy forests of Northern Yatsugatake, the exceptional views from over 2,000m, and the pleasures of staying in a mountain hut.

1日目 いざ雪山へ
Day 1 To the snowy peaks!
On a bright, clear day in December, Hiking Club participants gather at Chino station on the JR Chuo Main Line in Nagano prefecture. Everybody looks a little bit nervous, which is hardly surprising as they are all about to head off on a two-day hike with people they have only just met for the first time.

Mountain guide Noriko Yamamoto will lead the group for the two days. On the bus she gives us a short lecture about “easy pressure points” that can also be used while hiking. As she talks, the bus heads deep into the forest of Japanese larch trees, which are also a symbol of Chino city.
The group arrives at the hot spring hotel, Shibu Gotenyu, a secluded hot spring that was also frequented by Kai Province1 warlord, Takeda Shingen. Already at 1,880m, we notice that it is much colder outside as we get off the bus. After a toilet break we do a final check of all our gear and spikes etc. The trailhead is just a little bit further on.
1 Kai Province was established during the Nara period in the area of Japan that is today Yamanashi Prefecture.

A gentle pace to relax our bodies and minds
We start our hike by crossing the bridge over the dam on River Shibu. Almost immediately we arrive at a fork in the trail, one side leading to Takamiishi, the other to Kuroyuri plain, and we take the path on the right towards Kuroyuri. Our route will take us on a big loop, and tomorrow we will actually come back down the mountain from the Takamiishi side of this fork.
We consciously walk slowly at first to help our bodies get used to the terrain. It’s a single path but the reason everybody is facing a different direction is because we are all carefully choosing the best place to put our feet for each step so as not to slip on the snowy path. It takes time, but it’s the safest way to climb. Walking slowly also means we make more little discoveries along the way. It’s fun to look for the various animal tracks left in the snow.

1時間半ほどで唐沢鉱泉分岐に到着。荷物を降ろして楽しみにしていた昼食の時間です。今回はクラフト・レトルトフードメーカーの「ONE POT WONDER」によるチキンカレーのフムスサンドを食します。あちこちから「おいしー!」の声。
Lunch on the mountain is a feast for all the senses
After about an hour and a half, we arrive at the Karasawa-kosen fork. We unload our bags and then it’s the time we’ve all been looking forward to–lunch. Today’s lunch is a chicken curry hummus sandwich provided by craft boil-in-the-bag food maker, “ONE POT WONDER”. As we tuck in, cries of “Oishii!” (it’s delicious) erupt from all over the group.
After lunch, our guide Ms. Yamamoto shows us a secret hidden in the bark of the Veitch’s silver-fir, a fir that is native to Japan. As she gently pushes it with her nail–what a surprise, a citrus-scented clear sap oozes out! This sap acts as a natural insect repellant, and the tree uses it to ward off pests.

We all make sure everyone is safe
It’s now been about two hours since we started hiking. We have exceeded 2,000m and the snow is starting to get a bit deep so we put on our microspikes. With the additional grip we can now feel more confident walking through snow as we continue our hike.
From here we start to see metal mesh mats here and there on the trail. Although you can’t see them all under the snow, they have been laid in the cracks between rocks and in places where walking would otherwise be dangerous. They serve to not only make the trail safer for hikers, but also to minimize our impact on the natural environment.

Staying in a mountain hut for the first time
Finally, we arrive at Kuroyuri Hyutte. Built in 1956, Kuroyuri Hyutte is one of few mountains huts that remain open all year round and is very much appreciated by hikers who want to enjoy the mountains during the winter season. The name of the hut is inspired by the Kamchatka or “black” lilies that flower on this small plain during the rainy season. Tonight, we will be staying in this mountain hut.

Making shampoo and ice cream at 2,400m
As we have plenty of time before dinner, we all join a workshop. First of all, we have a go at making dry shampoo, which we will all be able to use this evening. This dry shampoo is very gentle on the scalp and also perfect for taking hiking. We mix cornstarch and bicarbonate of soda and add a little essential oil for fragrance. Looking round the tables there is a tense “no sneezing allowed” atmosphere. Once we have made the shampoo, we all give it a go, sprinkling it on our heads. Rubbing it in to our hair roots also serves as a pleasant scalp massage.
Next, ice cream making. We mix milk, cream and sugar together in Nalgene bottles and then leave them outside to freeze in nature’s freezer. They will be tonight’s desert, which we will enjoy during the after-dinner talk time.

Dinner at Kuroyuri Hyutte
Now the time we’ve all been waiting for–dinner. The handmade hamburgers are just what our tired bodies need and the perfectly cooked rice and hot miso soup come with free refills. The nutritious meal includes plenty of salad and cooked vegetables and reflects the kind hospitality of our hosts at the mountain hut. Fresh ingredients, especially those that do not keep long, must be a scarce resource as they have to be physically carried up the mountain. The meal is so delicious it makes us forget that we are 2,400m above sea level.

Learning about mountain hut life
After dinner, we all sit around the owner of Kuroyuri Hyutte, Takeki Yonekawa, to hear about the charms of the Yatsugatake mountains and the history of Kuroyuri Hyutte. He tells us that, due to the harsh weather conditions, the hut ages quickly and they regularly need to do repairs. However, builders who have specialist knowledge of repairing and restoring mountain huts are increasingly few and far between.
We also learn that the role of mountain hut staff is not only to welcome hikers who come to the hut for shelter, but also includes maintaining the surrounding trails, conservation, and management of the surrounding habitat for plants and animals (the area they cover was surprisingly large!), and even being the first on the scene in the case of any accident or emergency in the mountains. We are reminded that it is thanks to the presence of such huts that us hikers are able to enjoy the mountains with peace of mind.

Sleeping together - “Zakone” style
It’s 8pm and time for lights-out so we head up to the large room on the second floor where our futons have all been laid out side by side. Tonight, we sleep alongside the same people we hiked with all day. Once the lights are turned off, it’s pitch black, so a head lamp that enables you to keep both hands free is essential when going to the downstairs toilet in the night. We creep out of the room like ninjas so as not to wake anyone.

Day two
Popping out to see the sunrise
Breakfast is already waiting for us when we wake up. Freshly cooked white rice and miso soup with grilled fish, stewed vegetables, and pickles recharge us for the day ahead.
After breakfast we head out to Tengu no Okuniwa (Tengu’s back yard) in front of the hut to see the sunrise. We look out to see a completely cloudless and clear sky. Slowly, the sky to the east turns orange. Pictured are the two peaks of Mt. Tengu, backlit by the sunrise. The pointy one on the left is called Higashi (East) Tengu and the rounder one on the right is Nishi (West) Tengu (2,646m).

To the Nakayama pass and its amazing view
After enjoying the sunrise, we return to the hut to pack up our things and get ready to set off. The staff from the hut even come to see us off. The people, the food and the atmosphere were all so warm at Kuroyuri Hutte. I’m sure we’ll be back.
We are blessed with good weather again on day two as we head north along the mountain ridge, with snow beneath us and blue sky above us. When we sometimes look back and get a clear view of the mountains, we can see Mt. Tengu spreading its wings as if to wave to us as we leave. Following the lead of our guide, Ms. Yamamoto, we continue to climb through the winter wonderland.

We pass the forested Nakayama (2,496m) to reach the Nakayama View Point. Here we are surrounded by many cairns (stone piles) and in the haze in the distance we can see the Northern Alps.

北八ヶ岳特有の瑞々しい苔や、樹々の合間から指す木漏れ日を浴びながら、ゆるやかなくだりを「高見石小屋」へと向かいます。小屋の中にはランタンがたくさん吊され、まるでおとぎ話の世界のよう。実はand wanderはこの高見石小屋で2012年SSのカタログ撮影をさせてもらったことがありました。
Takamiishi Goya
As we walk through dappled sunlight down a gentle decline towards Takamiishi Goya mountain hut, we are surrounded by the vibrant moss that is typical of the Northern Yatsugatake mountains. Inside the hut it’s like we’ve arrived in a fairytale land, with a canopy of lanterns hanging from the ceiling. and wander actually used this hut as the location for the photography for its 2012 SS catalogue.

After enjoying Takamiishi Goya’s famous agepan (deep fried bread) and hotdog with coffee for lunch, we have a chance to talk with the hut’s owner, Taku Kimura. We learn that there are many issues that concern us all and that we need to address together in order to protect the entire environment and habitat of Northern Yatsugatake, not just around the hiking trails.
There are many different ways that people can interact with the mountains, but for example, wooden paths might be useful for hikers, but it is really necessary to install them even when it means interfering with the ecosystem? Mr. Kimura’s work to promote a relationship with nature that looks at things from the point of view of the mountain itself resonates with us.

When we climb onto a rock behind Takamiishi Goya, we get a view of Mt. Tateshina (2,531m) and Mt. Shimagare (2,403m), while below us we can look out over the largest mountain lake of Northern Yatsugatake, Lake Shirakoma, which is currently frozen over. Around the lake we can see “fir waves”, which are said to be a way that the mountain cleansing itself.

We leave Takamiishi Goya and start on the final leg of our hike. After walking through the primordial mossy forest, we come to Sainokawara–a slope that is filled with countless rocks. Northern Yatsugatake is truly a place of everchanging landscapes.

At the end of our trip
After safely crossing the rocky Sainokawara, we walk for another hour or so through the mossy forest again. We reflect on the past two days, which went by very quickly, as we arrive back at the starting point of our hike, Shibu No Yu.
All safely returned. Northern Yatsugatake is now full of memories.
We discovered something for the first time after spending a night in the mountains–something important hiding behind the notion of “inconvenience”. We discovered the things that we tend to take for granted–nature, air, water, plants, insects and animals, the four seasons, food and our health.
I wonder how many hikers have passed through Kuroyuri Hyutte, where we stayed, and Takamiishi Goya, where we had lunch.
Each member of our group is now one of those people. We were given water, food and shelter. We looked at the sky and the stars. We took warmth from the sun and fire, and nature healed our bodies and souls. Northern Yatsugatake taught us that these are things that we cannot take for granted, and that they exist thanks to the people who make them possible.

translation Yuko Caroline Omura