INSIDE and OUT 2023
‘enjoy the spring!’
インサイドアンドアウト 2023春and wander journal #61
OUTDOOR GALLERYではすっかり春の名物となった企画展「INSIDE and OUT」。今年も個性豊かな作り手が、自然から受け取ったインスピレーションを届けてくれます。3階はアートピースとしても存在感を放つ陶器と染物。4階は東北から沖縄まで、日本各地で活動するクリエイターが集まり、それぞれの土地から自然の恵みをお裾分けしてくれます。会場に満ちるのは清々しい山や森の香り。ハイキングに出かける気分でふらりと遊びに来てください。
12:00 – 19:00(最終日は17:00までとなります) 水曜・木曜定休
東京都渋谷区元代々木町22-8 3F, 4F and wander OUTDOOR GALLERY with PAPERSKY
tel. 03-6407-8179
Special exhibition “INSIDE and OUT”, now a well-known Spring feature at OUTDOOR GALLERY, is back again this year welcoming a host of unique creators to bring you products and art work inspired by nature. Exhibited on the 3rd floor are ceramics and dyed textiles, each an impressive work of art in and of itself. On the 4th floor, creators hailing from all over Japan, from Tohoku to Okinawa, share the riches of their respective local regions. We invite you to drop by and savor the fresh mountain forest scent that fills the gallery, as if you were enjoying a relaxing hike.
Friday, 14 April ~ Sunday, May 28, 2023
12:00 – 19:00 (closes at 17:00 on the last day), closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays
3F & 4F, and wander OUTDOOR GALLERY with PAPERSKY
22-8 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya, Tokyo
tel. 03-6407-8179

A collection of gorgeous items greets you at the 3rd floor entrance. The display is a sneak preview of how they might look on a shelf in your home.

Displayed on the 3rd floor are dyed textiles from Yotsume Somenunosha (Fabric Dye House) and ceramics by Miki Oka. Director of Yotsume Somenunosha, Toyokazu Ono, and Miki Oka are married and are based in Oita Prefecture. Although they both value their individual creativity, because they both spend their times surrounded by the same natural landscapes, their creations are naturally in harmony with each other.

4階には日本各地から、自然を感じられる衣食住のアイテムが届いた。壁にかかるのは「back to Nature」のリースやスワッグ。その奥に立てかけられた木の棒は、「ENTOHO」の人気アイテムであるタープポール。
Items from all around Japan, relating to “food, clothing and shelter” are on display on the 4th floor. Wreaths and garlands by “back to Nature” are displayed on the wall. The wooden poles displayed next to them are one of “ENTOHO’s” most popular items – their natural tarp poles.

Here an elegant collection of brooms by “ – hashime” line the wall. The unique shapes and beautiful craftsmanship are a pleasure to behold. Food items such as seasoning, herb teas, and meal kits are perfectly suited for hiking trips, are displayed on the table.
Artist on display on the 3rd floor:

左から 無量花、花布、湯布院……他にもフクロウやケベス祭りなど多様な色柄が揃った「手ぬぐい」¥1,650〜。人気のストールは、よつめ染布舎の代表的な柄であるカラスの群れを描いたものと、型を使わずフリーハンドで防染糊を引き模様を描いていく筒描(つつがき)という染色技法で製作したものがある。¥22,000〜。ほかにもカットソーやイージーパンツなど衣服も並ぶ。
From left: Infinite Flowers, Hanagire, Yufuin. A range of other “Tenugui” towels are also available, featuring a wide range of colored patterns, such as owls or images of the Kebesu festival, from ¥1,650. The stoles are another popular item, some featuring Yotsume Somenunosha’s signature pattern – a flock of crows, while others are made using the resist dyeing technique “tsutsugaki” that involves drawing freehand rice-paste designs, from ¥22,000. A range of clothes, including tops and easy pants, are also available.
よつめ染布舎 ●大分/染色
よつめそめぬのしゃ デザイナーの小野豊一さんがテキスタイルデザインを手掛ける染工房。型染や筒描といった日本の伝統的染色技法を用いて、衣服や暖簾、クッションカバーなど暮らしの布を染めている。模様は全て小野さんが描いたオリジナル。「布と文様から生まれる力の伝達をデザインすること」を目指して、新しくも懐かしさのあるテキスタイルを生み出している。
Yotsume Somenunosha ●Oita / Dyed textiles
At Yotsume Somenunosha, we use a traditional dyeing technique that has been in use since the Muromachi Period (14th to 16th century) to create everyday items such as “noren” curtains and clothes. Our patterns, such as the flock of crows or abstract representations of clouds and wind, have some sort of connection with original Japanese landscapes and are all our own original designs. While our patterns may evoke feelings of nostalgia, rather than simply imitating tradition, we always consider how we can weave something “new” into our fabrics. At a time when our “raison d’ 'être” as artisans, designers and artists is being brought into question by the rapid advances of AI, what should we be creating? We look to the nature of Oita to teach us as we battle with these questions on a daily basis.
Yotsume Somenunosha
A fabric dye house where designer Toyokazu Ono designs textiles. Fabric used to make daily items such as clothes, “noren” curtains and cushion covers, is dyed using traditional Japanese dying techniques such as “tsutsugaki” (resist dyeing) and “katazome” (stencil dyeing). All the patterns are original designs by Ono himself, who aims to “design a transfer of energy from fabric and patterns” through his textiles that are simultaneously nostalgic and novel.

左から 色形からパワーをもらえる手捻りのゴブレット¥13,200。小さなニワトリはそのまま飾っても、箸置きにしても。各¥1,760。人気の「ニワトリ土鍋」は、道具として、オブジェとして、暮らしに彩りを添えてくれる。¥44,000。他にも手捻りのプレートやカップ、ピッチャーなどが並ぶ。
From the left: Handbuilt goblets with powerful shape and form, ¥13,200. The small chickens can be used as chopstick rests or simply as ornaments, ¥1,760 each. The popular “Chicken Earthenware Pot” will bring color to your life, whether you use it as a cooking utensil or simply as an “objet d’art”, ¥44,000. Other handbuilt plates, cups and pitchers are also on display.
岡美希 ●大分/陶芸
おかみき 陶芸家。京都嵯峨芸術短期大学で陶芸を学んだ後、オーストラリアのアボリジナルアートに惹かれ、オーストラリアと米国の両方でアーティスト・イン・レジデンスのプログラムに参加。その後は大分県国東市国見町を拠点に、感覚に直に訴えかけるような自由で伸びやかな作陶を続ける。
Miki Oka ●Oita / Pottery
My creative process is based on pure inspiration. I rarely decide a theme in advance or make a draft design. When I’m moved by something in nature or some event in my day-to-day life, I feel an instinctive desire to give it form. Nature and daily life are ever changing. As my creations are an expression of this, no two are ever the same. I follow my instinct. That’s what pottery is to me. As my creations are an unbridled expression of my inspiration, I also do not want to impose my preferences onto the user. I’m happy for something I made as a cup to be used as a vase. The earthenware pot that I made for this occasion can be used in many different ways: to fry, stew or grill food. Its shape is also like an “objet d’art” so it would likewise look good simply as a kitchen ornament. Merely the fact that somebody has chosen something I made makes me happy. Once it is theirs, all I wish is that they enjoy it in any way their personal inspiration dictates.
Miki Oka
Potter. After learning pottery at Kyoto Saga Art College, Oka acquired a deep interest in Australian Aboriginal art, joining artist-in-residence programs in both Australia and the United States. She is now based in Kunimi in Kunisaki City, Oita, and continues to create her free spirited and lively pottery that appeals directly to our aesthetic senses.
Artists on display on the 4th floor:

左奥から時計回りに 木目の美しさも感じられるヒップそり。シナノキとウォールナットの2種類。「hips RIde」¥17,600〜。くるみの木から仕上げた「mountain cup」¥7,150と「chop stick」¥3,850。オリジナルのチロル帽「tyrol」¥6,050。滑らかな手触りの栃のプレート「stacking plate」¥4,400〜。「ENTOHO」のプロダクトはどれも、自然の風景にすっと馴染む。
Clockwise from the back left: Glissade sledge with beautiful wooden grain, available in Japanese linden and walnut - “hips Ride”, from ¥17,600. “Mountain cup”, ¥7,150, and “chopsticks” ¥3,850 made from walnut wood. Original Tyrolean hat - “tyrol”, ¥6,050. Plates with a smooth finish made from Japanese horse-chestnut - “stacking plates”, from ¥4,400. All products by ENTOHO blend effortlessly into nature.
ENTOHO ●富山/アウトドアクラフト
エントホ 北アルプスの山々をすぐそこに感じられる富山を拠点に、山遊びが楽しくなるギアをプロデュース。主宰する城越大仁郎(きごしだいじろう)さんが、自然の中で遊び、感じたことをベースにしながら、試行錯誤を重ねてユニークな道具を生み出している。
ENTOHO ●Toyama / Outdoor Craft
I am based in Toyama where I create gear to make your time spent in the mountains more fun. I use a process of trial and error to create tools inspired by my trips to the mountains or simply by the needs of daily life. It all started at a spring skiing trip six years ago. That was when I first discovered “glissading” (bum sledging or sledding). After some research I discovered that, while glissage-sledges for children exist, no one made them for adults. So, I immediately got to work to see how I could make one. I wanted to create a sledge that could do turns. It was also important that it would fit into a 20L backpack and that it looked good. Another product that I am proud of would be our tarp poles that are made from naturally grown branches. We made many proto-types of the “hips Slide” and tarp poles, working through many challenges to perfect them. It’s that creative process that’s fun, and I enjoy the process of trial and error as each stage brings me closer to nature. It makes me happy to think that the products that we create will accompany you on your next outdoor or mountain recreation trip.
Based in Toyama, a stone’s throw from the Japanese northern Alps, ENTOHO produces gear for mountain fun. Creates unique “tools” that are inspired by brand director Daijiro Kigoshi’s time spent in nature, and perfected through trial and error.

「十三時」が作る自社ブランド「KUZURI」の品々。左から クロモジの精油を抽出する際に取れる蒸留水を活用した「月山クロモジ芳香蒸留水」¥1,650〜。採取のタイミングや時期によって色が変わる、希少な「月山メイプルシロップ」¥11,664。雪解けの月山山麓で採ったふきのとうがたっぷりの「月山のふきのとう味噌」¥702。四角い紙箱はオリジナルの「山トランプ」¥1,650。坂本大三郎さんが描く山の生き物や食べ物がモチーフになっている。
Products by “13ji” (Jusanji) own brand “KUZURI”. From the left: “Gassan Kuromoji Herbal Water” made using distilled water obtained during the Kuromoji (lindera) essential oil extraction process, from ¥1,650. Rare “Gassan Maple Syrup” whose color varies according to the timing or season when it is collected, ¥11,664. “Gassan Fuki-Noto Miso” made with plenty of fuki-noto (the edible flower bud of the fuki plant) picked in the foothills of Mount Gassan during the thaw season, ¥702. The rectangular paper box contains original “Yama Playing Cards” that are illustrated with drawings of mountain creatures and foods by Daisaburo Sakamoto, ¥1,650.
十三時 ●山形/蒸留水・食品
じゅうさんじ 山形県の月山山麓にあるカフェ。店主は山伏であり、美術家としても活動する坂本大三郎さん。店名はイギリス児童文学の名作『トムは真夜中の庭で』に出てくる架空の時間“13時”から取った。自社ブランド「KUZURI」のパッケージに描かれた動物も坂本さんが描いたもの。
13ji (Jusanji) ●Yamagata / Aromatic distilled waters and food items
We live in the foothills of Mount Gassan, a 1984m high volcano situated near the center of Yamagata prefecture. While running a café there, we also create and sell various food items and aroma products such as essential oil extracted from Kuromoji (lindera) that grows on Mount Gassan, or fuki-noto miso made with the first fuki-noto (the edible flower bud of the fuki plant) of the spring. Our popular maple syrup is 100% pure painted maple (acer pictum) sap and is extremely rare as it can only be collected during three weeks out of each year. Human life has always been dependent on nature’s bounty. As such, humans and nature have a long and deep relationship. At “13ji” we aim to offer products that have been forged out of this relationship. We invite you to use your senses of taste and of smell to experience the natural bounty of Mount Gassan.
13ji (Jusanji)
A café located in the foothills of Mount Gassan in Yamagata prefecture. Owner Daizaburo Sakamoto is a Yamabushi (mountain monk) and artist. The café is named after the imaginary time of “13 o’clock” from the British children’s novel “Tom’s Midnight Garden”. The animals depicted on their own brand “KUZURI” packaging are also drawn by Sakamoto.

左から 定番の「SUIGEN MIST」。レモングラスをベースにした「朝艸」とやんばるに自生する月桃をベースにした「慈愛」の2種。20ml/¥2,200〜、50ml/¥4,290〜。工房の裏に咲く野草をベースにしたすっきりとした味わいの「ワイルドハーブティー」¥1,259。SUIGENの農園にて無農薬栽培されたホーリーバジルを使用した「芳香蒸留水」も届いた。¥2,200。
From the left: Signature product “SUIGEN MIST” – available as “Asagusa” made with Lemon Grass and “Jiai” made from shell ginger that grows wild in Yanbaru, 20ml/from ¥2,200, 50ml/from ¥4,290. Refreshing “Wild Herb Tea” made from wild flowers that grow in the hills behind the studio, ¥1,259. “SUIDEN HYDROSOL” – holy basil aromatic distilled water made using holy basil grown without pesticides on the SUIGEN farm, ¥2,200.
SUIGEN ●沖縄/ミストスプレー・ハーブティー
前回の参加から1年。今年も、大分と沖縄の地で育った植物が紡ぎ出す、心地よい春をお届けできることを嬉しく思っています。すべてのプロダクトにおいて大切にしているのは、自然と私たちとの丁寧な繋がりです。幼少期から自然豊かな土地で暮らしてきたので、そこで育んだ感覚や、自分のアレルギー体質と向き合うことで深めてきた身体への知識・経験を、自然由来のミストやスプレーに込めています。今回の新作は「森ノ茶」と名付けたブレンドティー。植物の力をダイレクトに受け取れるので、私は「Wild Forest Tea」と呼んでいます。一口飲んで感じるのは、森の生命そのものに包まれるかのような安堵感。私たちの身体を、静かに力強く養ってくれるはずです。
スイゲン アントン沙莉さんが主宰する、植物の生命力を凝縮したプロダクトブランド。ブランド名は「水源」を由来としている。健やかな心身へと導くミストやハーブティーを製作。沖縄と大分に拠点を構え、2つの土地を行き来ながら、それぞれの土地の植物の力をプロダクトに込めて届けている。
SUIGEN ●Okinawa / Mist sprays and herb teas
It’s been one year since I last participated in this event. I’m happy to have the opportunity again this year to share the pleasant sensation of spring that radiates from plants in Okinawa and Oita. Having a mindful connection between ourselves and nature is very important to me for all of my products. The sensibility I gained through growing up surrounded by nature, and the knowledge and experience I have acquired through dealing with my own allergies, have inspired these natural mists and sprays. My latest product is a blended tea called “Morino Cha”. I call it “Wild Forest Tea” because it’s a source of direct plant energy. One drink and you will feel a wave of relief wash over you, as if the vitality of the forest itself was surrounding you. A tea that will nourish the body with quiet strength.
Brand of products that concentrate the vital power of plants, directed by Sari Anton. The brand name comes from the Japanese word “suigen” which means “water source”. Anton produces mists and herb teas that promote a healthy body and soul. Dividing her time between her two bases in Okinawa and Oita, she creates products that embody the power of plants from both regions.

Wreaths and garlands that will instantly change the atmosphere of any room, from ¥4,950. As well as the items pictured, “smudging wands” and fresh bouquets of spring flowers created especially for this exhibition will also be on display.
back to Nature ●東京/花
花の仕事をしている姉・智子と、スタイリスト・服飾作家の妹・ジュンコが、8年前に姉妹で活動をスタートさせました。私たちのインスピレーションの源となっているのは、幼い頃に見た自然の風景です。今回お届けするリースやガーランドは、昔からある伝統的なアイテムですが、そこに私たちの心の中にある原風景を重ねて制作をしました。「back to Nature」という名に込めたのは、少しでも自然に近づきたいという想い。新作として持っていくスマッジングワンドは、ホワイトセージやハーブ、パロサントスティックを束ねたもので、心と気を浄化してくれるそう。ずっと興味があったものを形にしてみました。私たちの作り出すアイテムを通して、皆さまの心の中にある自然の風景をふと思い出してもらえたら嬉しいです。
バック・トゥー・ネイチャー フローリストの大川智子さんとスタイリスト・服飾作家の大川ジュンコさんが姉妹で主宰。ブーケだけでなく、スワッグやリース、ガーランドなど、インテリアとして取り入れやすいアイテムを制作している。自然の風景を思い起こさせるような、親しみを感じるナチュラルなアレンジメントが人気。
back to Nature ●Tokyo / Flowers
Founded eight years ago by sisters Tomoko (florist) and Junko (stylist/fashion designer). The source of our inspiration is the natural landscapes we saw as children. The wreaths and garlands that we created for this exhibition are traditional items, but, through our creative process, we have superimposed the landscapes of our childhood onto them. The name “back to Nature” is an expression of our desire to get closer to nature. The smudging wands that we made especially for this exhibition are something that we’ve wanted to make for a long time now. We prepared them by bundling white sage, herbs and Palo Santo sticks together, and they can be used to cleanse your spirit and mind. We hope that our products will help you to recall a natural landscape from your memory.
Back to Nature
Produced by sisters Tomoko Okawa (florist) and Junko Okawa (stylist/fashion designer). Their products fit easily into any interior decor, and include not only bouquets but also garlands and wreaths. Their popular natural-style flower arrangements are at once familiar and evocative of natural landscapes.

左から 持ち手の編みが美しい「山箒」¥9,020〜。日本の伝統を感じる「中箒」¥11,000。置いてあるだけで絵になる 「曲げ箒」¥9,020〜。他にも持ち手の長い「長柄箒」 ¥20,020〜など多様な箒が揃う。
From the left: “Yama broom/hoki” with beautiful weaving on the handle, ¥9,020~. “Mid-length-broom/chu-hoki” that is an expression of Japanese tradition, ¥11,000. “Mage-broom/hoki” that is as pleasant to look at as it is to use, ¥9,020~. And many others such as the long handled “long broom/nagae hoki”, ¥20,020~.
一hashime ●静岡/箒
ハシメ 箒職人・小林研哉さんによる箒ブランド。すべての工程が手作業で、ホウキモロコシの栽培や収穫も自ら行う。無農薬栽培で育ったホウキモロコシの穂は柔らかく、適度なコシがあり、畳だけでなくフローリングやタイル、コンクリートなど、あらゆる建材と相性がよい。長柄箒や中箒といった伝統的なスタイルのほかに、持ち手の編み込みが美しいフォトジェニックなオリジナルの箒も制作している。
一hashime ●Shizuoka / Brooms
Based in Shizuoka, I make both traditional brooms and brooms designed for a modern lifestyles based on my own creative inspiration. I do everything by hand. I grow the raw material “broom corn” myself, without using any pesticides, and harvest it myself as well. Brooms can actually be a very useful part of a modern lifestyle. The tips of the brush are soft and so will not scratch your floor, and every time you clean, you will feel the power of nature in the palm of your hand. The wide range of different shapes and sizes is also one of the attractions of my brooms. For example, the “Yama-hoki” has a short handle and can be used with a strong grip. Your strength is easily transferred to the tip of the brush and the bristles are dense making it perfect for brushing leather. We have prepared approximately ten unique brooms specifically for this exhibition. I invite you to pick them up and feel the traditional Japanese aesthetic and the power of nature that resides in them.
A brand of brooms by broom craftsman Kenya Kobayashi. Every step of the process is done by hand and Kobayashi even grows and harvests the raw material broom corn himself. The bristles from the broom corn, which he grows without any pesticides, are soft with just the right amount of resilience making them perfect to use not only on Tatami mats, but also on sorts of materials such as flooring, tiles and concrete. As well as the traditional long handled broom or mid-length broom, Kobayashi also creates beautiful original brooms with intricate braiding on the handle.

Embroidery depicting three mountains that evoke happy memories of drinking beer for the artist. The three separate embroideries represent Hōō Sanzan, Shirane Sanzan and Hakuba Sanzan respectively. Available on canvas and wood. Each embroidery is accompanied by a map of the route that the artist actually walked and an essay about her memories of the hike, From ¥33,000.
晴れ間がのぞく ●東京/刺繍
はれまがのぞく 刺繍作家・原藍子さんが、東京・高尾で暮らしながら、晴れた日は山に登り、雨の日は山の刺繍作品を制作している。刺すのは、実際に眺めた稜線や憧れている海外の山、存在しない架空の山など。街にいながらも、ふと山に思いを馳せることができる刺繍を目指している。
Haremaganozoku ●Tokyo / Embroidery
I create embroidery that helps us recall the mountain vibe we experience when hiking. When the weather is good, I go hiking, and on days that I cannot go to the mountains because of rain or of work, I embroider images of mountains. I founded the project “Haremaganozoku” (moments of sunshine peak through) as an outlet for this work. To me the act of slowly climbing a mountain, step after step, putting each foot in front of the other, and the act of sewing, moving the needle forward, one stitch at a time, are similar in spirit. The canvas and wood panel embroideries that I am exhibiting come with a map of the actual hiking route as well as an essay about my experience. I hope that they will help you visualize the hike and add to your enjoyment of the embroidered mountain images. My wish is that my embroidery will guide your mind on a mountain hike as you think “is that the view from…?” or “that’s the ridge I hiked along last year!” or “I’d love to go there”. There is no greater pleasure for me than for my work to be appreciated in this way.
Embroidery artist Aiko Hara lives in Takao, Tokyo where she divides her time between hiking on days when the weather is nice and sewing mountain inspired embroidery when it rains. Her embroidery depicts actual mountain ridges that she has seen, impressive mountains from around the world, and imaginary mountains. She aims to create embroidery that will enable your mind to travel up into the mountains, even while your body remains physically in the city.

左から オリジナルの「唐椒醬」や「唐蒜醬」「辣油」など人気の瓶詰め調味料。各¥594。スパイス感をしっかり味わえる「白州craft cola」¥1,900。岩塩にタイムやオレガノなど数種のハーブを合わせた「ファンキーソルト」¥648。白州にある「山の水農場」のきのこにオリジナルブレンドの薬膳スパイスを合わせた「薬膳きのこ鍋」キット¥1,900。コンパクトかつ軽量なのでアウトドアにも最適。
From the left: popular bottled condiments made with original recipes - “Toujanjan”, “Touninjan” and “Rayu”, ¥594 each. “Hakushu Craft Cola” – enjoy its distinctive spicy flavor, ¥1,900. “Funky Salt” made with rock salt mixed with a variety of herbs such as thyme and oregano, ¥648. “Yakuzen mushroom hot pot” kit, made with mushrooms from the “Yamanomizu Farm” in Hakushu, mixed with an original blend of yakuzen (Chinese herbal medicine) herbs, ¥1,900. Compact and light, ideal for outdoor activities.
mountain*mountain w/cafe flat ●山梨/食品
マウンテン・マウンテン ウィズ/カフェ・フラット 山梨県北杜市長坂町に2015年にオープン。店主の山下宏史さんは報道写真家として長年、世界各地を旅してきた人物。その経験を生かし、八ヶ岳や南アルプスを眺めながら多国籍料理が味わえるカフェを始めた。スパイスをふんだんに使ったオリジナルミールキットや、唐椒醬や辣油といった調味料も人気。
mountain*mountain w/cafe flat ●Yamanashi / food items
Our café is nestled in a small village between Yatsugatake and the Southern Japanese Alps in a place where time runs slowly and the air is clear. Our food and drink menu is based on the concept of putting “delicious food from all around the world onto one plate”. For this exhibition we are contributing products that make it easy to enjoy delicious global cuisine when outdoors. For example, our “Yakuzen Mushroom Hot Pot” that was created in collaboration with a mushroom farm in Hakushu, makes it easy to cook a delicious mushroom yakuzen hot pot just by adding a few ingredients of your choice. “Hakushu Craft Cola” is a spicy craft cola, brimming with the natural bounty of the Hakushu region. It is made with natural spring water from the Southern Japanese Alps with a blend of ten different spices. Pack these items for your next camping or hiking trip and enjoy a delicious and relaxing time.
Mountain*Mountain with Café Flat
Opened in 2015 in Nagasaka in Hokuto city, Yamanashi Prefecture. Owner Hiroshi Yamashita opened this café after many years traveling the world as a photojournalist. The café looks out over Yatsugatake and the Southern Japanese Alps and serves global fusion cuisine inspired by his world travels. His original meal kits that use an abundant array of spices and his condiments such as “Toujanjan” and “Rayu”, are also very popular.

左奥から時計回りに 洗濯洗剤の代わりとして使える木の実「ソープナッツ」¥550〜。環境負荷を考えて愛用する人も増えてきている「へちまたわし」¥440〜。調味料の材料にも岐阜県産の無農薬材料が使用されている。「柚子なんばんじゃない醤」¥1,350。「謹製ポン酢」¥1,512。木のカトラリーはカレースプーンやコーヒーメジャーなど、サイズも用途も多様に届いた。¥1,320〜
Clockwise from the back left: “Soap nuts” that can be used instead of detergent, from ¥550. “Loofah sponge” - a popular environmentally friendly sponge, from ¥440. Condiments made from pesticide free ingredients from Gifu prefecture. “Yuzu Nanbanjanaijan”, ¥1,350. “Premium Ponzu”, ¥1,512. Wooden cutlery such as curry spoons, coffee measures etc. with a variety of sizes and uses, from ¥1,320.
みたけさいとう商店 ●岐阜/木のカトラリー・食品・染色
みたけさいとうしょうてん 岐阜県御嵩町を拠点に、地球環境保全に配慮した調味料や雑貨を制作。食品は化学調味料・保存料・着色料等無添加。食材も岐阜県産にこだわっている。植物性オイルで仕上げた手作りのカトラリーや、自家栽培したへちまを丁寧に天日干しした、無農薬・無漂白のへちまたわしなど、持続可能な暮らしを考えたアイテムを扱う。
Mitake Saito Shoten ●Gifu / wooden cutlery, food items, dyed
We are based in Mitake, Gifu, where we make a range of environmentally friendly products, including original condiments made with pesticide free ingredients sourced locally in Gifu, handmade wooden cutlery and homemade Loofah sponges, etc. We strive to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible. In a time when information and materials are easy to come by and when we are surrounded by “stuff”, we believe that it’s important that producers endeavor to make items that will not create waste. Secondly, it’s also important that consumers choose products that won’t produce waste. For example, our Loofah sponges are homegrown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. You can cut them to the size that you desire and use them as washing-up sponges. They don’t get as dirty as normal sponges and last a long time. Once you’ve finished using them, they will decompose. They do not produce microplastics so you can use them when camping in the mountains or by rivers without any worries. We always consider whether what we are creating is worth leaving behind for future generations, and enjoy the process of living through trial and error. We hope to be able to do our small part to promote a concern for the wellbeing of our planet.
Mitake Saito Shoten
Based in Mitake town, Gifu Prefecture, making environmentally friendly condiments and household items. All their food items are free from artificial flavoring, preservatives and colors. Their ingredients are sourced locally from Gifu. Offers a selection of sustainable lifestyle products, including handmade wooden cutlery coated with a vegetable-based oil, and homegrown sun-dried Loofah sponges that are pesticide and bleach free.

左から デトックス力の強い沖縄のヨモギ成分を、ゆっくりと塩に浸透させた「ヨモギソルト」¥990〜。南国の光と風で自然乾燥させた、ポリフェノールたっぷりの「月桃実茶」¥1,727。沖縄に自生する生命力の強いオオバコを手摘みし、ホホバオイルに抽出した「フィラファオイル」¥2,200。
From the left: “Yomogi Salt” made with salt steeped in Okinawan Yomogi known for its strong detoxing properties, from ¥990. “Shell Ginger Fruit Tea” dried naturally in Okinawa and full of polyphenol, ¥1,727. “Firafa Oil” made with hand-picked Okinawan Obako, known for its strong vital power, and jojoba oil ¥2,200.
REAL PLANTS ●沖縄/雑草プロダクト
「REAL PLANTS」は、私たちに最も身近な自然〝雑草〟のパワーを体感できる商品を作りたいと思い、2022年夏に活動を始めました。ヨモギは、古来から日本に自生し、体を温めたり、傷を癒す万能薬として親しまれてきた雑草。そんなヨモギの力を日常に取り入れられるのが〈ヨモギソルト〉。リピート率の高い商品で、料理やバスソルト、頭皮マッサージや⻭磨きなど、いろんな使い方ができます。りんごにつけると絶品ですよ。商品を通して、身近な自然のたくましさや優しさをぜひ受け取ってください。都会ほど、雑草の種類は多く、食べられる草、お薬になる草、いろんな草が生えているので、イベントの帰り道、足元の草に気づいてもらえたら嬉しいです。商品をひとつずつ増やしていくので、ぜひ応援してください。
リアル・プランツ 「雑草は、生きたいように生きているから、素晴らしい生命力を持っている」。そう提唱する、植物研究家のかわしまようこさんが始めた、雑草由来のプロダクト。ひとつの雑草を紹介するかたちで、ひとつのプロダクトを作り、プロダクトを通して、植物に宿る力や、私たちにもたらす作用を深く知ることができる。沖縄を拠点に、心地よい暮らしに繋がるもの作りをしている。
REAL PLANTS ●Okinawa / “Weeds” Products
I founded “Real Plants” in the summer of 2022 because I wanted to make products that would enable people to experience the power of “weeds” – the nature that thrives closest to us. Yomogi is a weed that has grown in Japan since ancient times and has been popular as a panacea to “warm the body” or to treat cuts and scratches. My “Yomogi salt” makes it possible to incorporate the power of Yomogi into your daily life. It is a product that many people come back to again and again, and it has many uses – it can be used in cooking, as bath salts, for a head massage or brushing your teeth. It also makes a delicious dish when sprinkled on apples. We invite you to try our products and experience the power and goodness of the nature that surrounds us. Cities are abound with many kinds of weeds, some are edible, others are medicinal and I hope that you might notice a few more of the weeds growing under your feet as you walk home from this exhibition. I plan to slowly increase our product range in the future and look forward to your support!
Real Plants
“Weeds grow however and wherever they please, so they have an amazing vital power”. So says botanist Yoco Kawashima, who founded the weeds-based product range “Real Plants”. Each product introduces a different weed and her products help us gain a deep understanding of the power of plants, and how they affect us. Based in Okinawa, creating items that bring comfort to our lives.

* All prices include tax.
text Yuka Uchida
photography Machiko Fukuda
translation Yuko Caroline Omura