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CORDURA® is a trademark of INVISTA for durable fabrics.

THE VOID ORIGINAL ITEMは、ニュージーランドの先住民マオリの聖地として受け継がれてきた原生林を、写真家の石川直樹氏が撮影、写真集『T H E V O I D』として発表された作品をCORDURA®素材にプリントしたアイテムです。耐久性のあるCORDURA®は、長く着られ、経年変化を楽しめる素材。製品交換の頻度が減り、自然へのインパクトを間接的に減らします。

Naoki Ishikawa published his first book of photography about the virgin forests in New Zealand that the Maori people have preserved for 1,000ʼs of years and handed down to one another from generation to generation. And Wander selected a few of the images from this stunning book and choose to print the images on clothing made in collaboration with Cordura® fabric. Cordura® is a durable material that can be enjoyed for many years and because of its long wear it indirectly reduces the impact on nature.

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THE VOID ORIGINAL ITEMの売り上げの一部は、ニュージーランドの森林保護団体「Native Forest Restoration Trust」へ寄付されます。1980年の設立以来、固有の動植物が生息する原生林や湿地帯の保護、一度は開発された土地の自然再生など、ニュージーランドの貴重な自然を後世に引き継いでいくための活動を行なう団体です。

A percentage of sales from “THE VOID” original clothing collection by And Wander will be donated to the Native Forest Restoration Trust, a forest protection organization based in Auckland, New Zealand. NFRT has been working hard for over 40 years to protect New Zealandʼs native forests and to pass them on to future generations.

石川直樹/1977年東京生まれ。写真家。東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科博士後期課程修了。人類学、民俗学などの領域に関心を持ち、辺境から都市まであらゆる場所を旅しながら、作品を発表し続けている。2008年「NEW DIMENSION」(赤々舎)、「POLAR」(リトルモア)により日本写真協会賞新人賞、講談社出版文化賞。2011年「CORONA」(青土社)により土門拳賞を受賞。2020年「EVEREST」(CCCメディアハウス)、「まれびと」(小学館)により写真協会賞作家賞を受賞。著書に、開高健ノンフィクション賞を受賞した「最後の冒険家」(集英社)ほか多数。コロナ禍の渋谷と人のいなくなった街で繁殖するネズミの世界を写した『STREETS ARE MINE』(大和書房)や、香川県の屋外飛び込み台で飛び込み練習をする青少年を写した『MOMENTUM』(青土社)など、近年の活動にも注目が集まる。

Naoki Ishikawa/Photographer. Naoki Ishikawa was born in Tokyo in 1977 and completed a latter doctoral program at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Interested in anthropology and ethnology, he has traveled widely, visiting every kind of environment, from urban to remote regions, creating outstanding works along the way. In 2008, he received the New Photographer Award from the Photographic Society of Japan and the Kodansha Publication Culture Award for Photography for NEW DIMENSION (AKAAKA Art Publishing Inc.) and POLAR (Little More). In 2011, he received the Domon Ken Award for CORONA (Seidosha) and in 2020 he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Photographic Society of Japan for EVEREST (CCC Media House) and MAREBITO (Shogakukan Inc.). He has also written numerous books, including The Last Adventurer (Shueisha Inc.) for which he received the Kaiko Takeshi Non-Fiction Award. His latest publications are also garnering acclaim, and include STREETS ARE MINE (Daiwashobo Co., Ltd.), which depicts Shibuya during the COVID-19 pandemic and a world where rats multiply in urban spaces abandoned by people, and MOMENTUM (Seidosha), which depicts youths diving off an outdoor diving platform in Kagawa prefecture.