My way and and wander vol.10Naoki Ishikawa (Photographer)and wander journal #47
ヒマラヤの8000m峰への遠征は、そういった突き動かされる瞬間が多いし、シェルパたちとの親交も含めて毎日刺激的です。でも実は、海も山と同じくらい好きなんです。素潜りも得意で、十代の頃は小笠原でイルカと泳いだりしながら、クジラと泳ぐことを夢見ていた。今回and wanderと一緒に作ったアイテムに転写されているのは鬱蒼とした森の写真ですが、実際は海にまつわるストーリーがその背景にあります。ミクロネシアでスターナビゲーション(伝統航海術)を学んだ際、カヌーの原材料を探してニュージーランドに行き着いて。この森はカヌーが生まれる森でもあるんです。海と山を繋げる存在ですね。
See for myself, experience, and understand
While traveling throughout the world, from the North Pole to the South Pole or from the Himalayas to Alaska, I have been working as a photographer for nearly 20 years. Amid the travel restrictions due to the recent pandemic, I went and took photos of Shibuya, the city in which I was born. My photography locations vary from situation to situation, but fundamentally, I shoot whatever clicks in my mind and makes me grab my camera. That’s my style as photographer and that’s how I’ve always been.
Whether it’s nature or portrait photography, my style stays the same and do not change according to the subject. I shoot photos of whatever strikes me: things that are interesting or surprising, new encounters or discoveries, or any inspirational moments. My subject can be a scenery or a moment from people-to-people interactions.
The expedition to the eight-thousander peaks of the Himalayas has many impressionable moments, and every day is a thrill, which includes spending quality time with the Sherpas. But having said that, I love the ocean as much as the mountains. I am a good skin diver as well; I used to swim with dolphins at the Ogasawara Islands when I was a teenager and even dreamed of swimming with whales. One of the collaboration items that I designed with and wander has a picture of a dense and dark forest printed on the front, but there is a story of an ocean behind it. When I was learning the traditional celestial navigation technique in Micronesia, I reached New Zealand while searching for canoe material. This forest is basically the birthplace of canoes, which serves as a bridge to connect the ocean and the mountains.
This year, I am going on a long-term mountain expedition to the Himalayas after so long to summit Dhaulagiri and Kanchenjunga. Kanchenjunga, the world’s third-highest peak behind Everest and K2, have always been on my “to-climb-mountains’ list and I have decided it is now or never. For a second, I did think that, maybe, I don’t need to push myself that hard, because I knew how grueling and tough it can get. But I also knew how exciting and rewarding it can be. What’s more, even after the expedition, I was sure that experience will bring so many more opportunities to meet new people and expand my world. So, it had to be now. If I don’t go, I gain nothing. (Ishikawa successfully reached the summit of Dhaulagiri on April 9, 2022, and Kanchenjunga on May 7, 2022.)
今日着用しているand wanderの「CORDURA タイプライターシャツ」は、ポケットがたくさんあるところが気に入っています。フィルムも何本も入れられますしね。そして、耐久性に優れたCORDURAナイロン糸を使用している点も信頼できます。例えば、ボディがレザーとCORDURAナイロンタイプの2種類のブーツがある場合、レザータイプのほうが見た目には格好いいのですが、選択肢がある場合は、機能性や実用性が高いものを選びたいです。
Versatility and functionality to suit any environment
Since I often travel to climb mountains or go on a long-term trip, I usually prioritize functionality when choosing outdoor clothing. I would wear my favorites until it has holes in it, or it’s completely worn out. Regarding fashion, I don’t really have a specific style that I stick to; in fact, I’m not very particular about it.
However, I do have a chance of becoming a victim of a disaster and getting thrown into an unexpected situation where I need to evacuate immediately and live with only the barest necessities or go somewhere far away. That is why I always want to wear performance-based clothing that are designed to withstand any environment and can ensure my safety.
This shirt that I am wearing today is and wander’s “CORDURA typewriter shirt”. I like how it’s designed with multiple pockets, which are perfect for storing films. In addition, the shirt provides proven performance since it is made of highly durable CORDURA nylon thread. If I were to choose between a pair of leather boots and CORDURA nylon boots, although the leather type tends to be more stylish in look, I would choose an item that is more performance-oriented and with greater practicality.

シャツ CORDURA typewriter LS over shirt ¥24,200(税込)
Shirt CORDURA typewriter LS over shirt ¥24,200(tax included)
OUTDOOR GALLERYで開催する、石川直樹さんの写真展「THE VOID」を記念して、アイテムを製作。定番の「CORDURA タイプライターシャツ」とTシャツに、石川直樹さんの写真集『THE VOID』の中から選んだ写真をプリントしています。
And wander will release specially designed collaboration items to mark Naoki Ishikawa’s photo exhibition “THE VOID” held at the OUTDOOR GALLERY. The selected pictures from his photo book “THE VOID” will be printed on the brand’s signature item “CORDURA typewriter shirts” and T-shirts.

シャツ(チャコール)NAOKI ISHIKAWA THE VOID CORDURA shirt / TREE ¥35,200(税込)
シャツ(ホワイト)NAOKI ISHIKAWA THE VOID CORDURA shirt / SEA ¥35,200(税込)
Shirt (Charcoal) NAOKI ISHIKAWA THE VOID CORDURA shirt / TREE ¥35,200(tax included)
Shirt (White) NAOKI ISHIKAWA THE VOID CORDURA shirt / SEA ¥35,200 (tax included)
6月3日(金)から、「Naoki Ishikawa exhibition THE VOID」展を開催します。
南太平洋の海洋民を追いかけて辿り着いた先は、ニュージーランド・北島の森。そこはカヌーの源でもあり、先住民マオリが聖地として大切に受け継いできた原生林だった。2005年に発表され、石川直樹の写真家としての出発点となった作品集『THE VOID』。本展では、ここに収められた森の姿―マオリというよき理解者によって保たれてきた森を通して、今あらためて自然と共生するとは何か、ともに考えるきっかけにしたい。
【Naoki Ishikawa exhibition THE VOID】
2022年6月3日(金)-2022年7月31日(日)OPEN 12:00 –19:00(木曜定休)
東京都渋谷区元代々木町22-8-3F, 4F
Instagram @outdoorgallery_tokyo
and wander MARUNOUCHIにて本展と連動した『THE VOID』の大型作品展示します。
2022年6月3日(金)~6月30日(木)OPEN 11:00 –20:00
東京都千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビル1F
*【THE VOIDオリジナルアイテム】
本展を記念して、『THE VOID』シリーズの作品をプリントしたCORDURA素材のコラボレーションアイテムを販売。売り上げの一部は、native forest restoration trustへ寄付されます。
“Naoki Ishikawa exhibition THE VOID” will be on view from Friday, June 3.
While tracing the journey of maritime people in the South Pacific, Ishikawa found himself in a forest on New Zealand’s North Island. The place was the origin of canoes, and it was also a sacred virgin forest that has been handed down and carefully preserved by the indigenous Māori. The photo book “THE VOID,” published in 2005, served as a starting point for Naoki Ishikawa’s career as a photographer. We hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity to rethink about what it means to coexist with nature through the images of the forest - a forest preserved by the Māori who can well understand the voices of the trees.
【Naoki Ishikawa exhibition THE VOID】
June 3, 2022 (Fri) – July 31, 2022 (Sun) OPEN 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. (Closed on Thursdays)
3-4F, 22-8, Motoyoyogi-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
* The closing time will be 5 p.m. on the last day of the exhibition. Please check the gallery’s website, Instagram, or call for the latest information on opening hours.
Instagram @outdoorgallery_tokyo
【Concurrent Exhibition】
Large-scale works from “THE VOID” will be on display at and wander MARUNOUCHI in conjunction with the exhibition.
June 3, 2022 (Fri) – June 30, 2022 (Thu) OPEN 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Shin-Tokyo Building 1F, 3-3-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
* 【THE VOID - Limited items】
To mark the launch of the exhibition, and wander will release a specially designed collaboration item made of CORDURA fabric, with printed pictures of the selected works from “THE VOID” series. A portion of sales will be donated to the native forest restoration trust in New Zealand.
1977年東京生まれ。人類学、民俗学などの領域に関心をもち、辺境から都市まであらゆる場所を旅しながら、作品を発表する。写真集に『NEW DIMENSION』(赤々舎)、『POLAR』(リトルモア)、『CORONA』等。著書に、『最後の冒険家』(集英社)ほか多数。2021年には知床・斜里で映画『Shari』の撮影を担当。近年は写真絵本の出版も続いている。
Naoki Ishikawa was born in Tokyo in 1977 and has interests in anthropology and folklore studies. From the outlying areas to urban cities, he travels throughout the world as he continuously releases his works as a prolific photographer. He has published a number of photo books including “NEW DIMENSION” (AKAAKA Art Publishing), “POLAR” (Little More Co., Ltd.) and “CORONA.” He has also written multiple books including “Saigo-no-Bokenka” ('The Last Adventurer,' Shueisha Inc.) In 2021, he was involved in the filming of the movie “Shari”, which was shot at the Shiretoko Peninsula in the town of Shari, Hokkaido. His latest publications also include photo-based children’s books.
text Sayoka Hayashi
photography Jun Fujiwara
translation Masumi Tokugawa