
My way and and wander vol.9Lucas B.B. Editor
(Creative Director of PAPERSKY)
and wander journal #39


2020年には東京特集を発売しました。僕は流行のレストランやショッピングスポットには興味がなくて、東京の街を好きな理由は、文化と自然がうまく融合しているところ。実は東京って緑が多いんですね。オリンピックを機に、東京の自然のよさに気づくきっかけをつくりたかった。だから、「Tokyo Tree Trek」という東京の自然をめぐるトレイルを考えて、and wanderデザイナーの池内さんと森さんにも歩いてもらって、特集を組みました。

Listening to “the sound of time” and finding my own unique routes

I interpret the word “journey” very broadly. For me, traveling from my home to my workplace, meeting and talking to people, or even listening to music are all a journey. Deepening my knowledge by learning something new is a journey as well. I believe that our life is a journey and this mindset of mine hasn’t changed since around 2002, when I launched “PAPERSKY”.
When I decide where to feature in “PAPERSKY”, I look for an area that is both appropriate and timely at the time of publication. If it’s Tokyo, then it’ll feature Tokyo. If it’s Iwate, then it’ll feature Iwate. I used to publish a culture magazine called “TOKION” (currently suspending publication), which name comes from a Japanese phrase “toki-no-ne”, meaning “the sound of time”. It expresses the sounds and voices that I heard as well as the emotions that I experienced during my visit.
In 2020, I released PAPERSKY with a special feature on Tokyo. Actually, I am not much interested in restaurants and shopping areas that are in trend. The reason I like the city of Tokyo, is that it has a nice blend of culture and nature. In fact, Tokyo has a lot of greenery. Taking the occasion of the Tokyo Olympics, I wanted to feature Tokyo and create an opportunity for people to realize the beauty of nature in the city. Based on this thought, I came up with multiple walking routes for exploring various nature spots in Tokyo, called “Tokyo Tree Trek”. I asked Mr. Ikeuchi and Ms. Mori, the designers of and wander, to actually walk the route and wrote a feature article on it.
I like taking a walk on trails and old highways but finding my own walking route is also exciting. Especially, due to the development of new apartments and convenience stores, the old Japanese highways are vanishing year by year. At first, I believed that I have to follow the original route, but over time, I realized that if I can’t find it, I can make my own unique route. For example, there is an old highway that connects Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefecture called Nakamichi Okan, which was a road used for transporting tuna fish by horse in the past. I combined Nakamichi Okan with another route where I can visit coffee stands and other interesting places and named it “Tuna Road”. The old highways represent the lives of people in the area, and it is a unique, beautiful culture of Japan. I am looking forward to finding more trails and tracks of my own in the years to come.

必要なタイミングで出合えるand wanderのアイテム

バイクとハイキングをよくする僕が、and wanderとコラボレーションしてつくったこのデイパックは、X-Pacというセールボートの防水の生地を使ったもの。あとは、濡れたジャケットなんかを直接入れるために外側をメッシュにしたり、夜の街でも安全に使えるように一面リフレクターにしたり。さらに後ろには、自転車のヘルメットを引っ掛けるクリップをつけてもらいました。クライミングやカヤック、パッククラフトといった、ヘルメットが必要なアクティビティを楽しむ人にも便利だと思います。
実はこれ、かれこれ20年くらい、こんなバッグがほしいなぁと思い描いていたもの。and wanderのアイテムはベストも持っていますが、自転車に乗るときに通気性のいいベストがあるといいなぁと思っていたタイミングで、ちょうどプルオーバーのものに出合ったんです。
ちなみに、今日かぶっているキャップは、TVでみた〈Brooks Brothers〉のショーでモデルがかぶっていたもの。僕のために作ったみたいだな(笑)、かっこいいなぁ、と思ってお店に問い合わせをしたら、商品ではなかった。でも、いつか商品になるかもしれないからと名前と連絡先を書いてきたら、2年後くらいに「商品になりましたよ」って電話がかかってきたんです。

Finding the perfect item at the perfect timing at and wander

I always have images and ideas of ideal items in my head that I wish I had in my life. Then, I’ll just wait until I encounter them. Some may only take a year; some may take 10 or even 20 years to come across.
As an avid biker and a hiker, I collaborated with and wander to design a daypack made of X-Pac, a water-resistant material developed as sail cloth. This daypack can be used in all weather conditions, so you can save the trouble of putting a rain cover over your backpack whenever it rains. It has an outer mesh pocket that can be used to easily store wet jackets and what have you, and it is fully reflective to keep the users safe during the night. It also has a clip to attach your helmet on to the bag, so that it would be convenient for helmet users who enjoy activities such as climbing, kayaking, and packrafting.
In fact, this daypack was an ideal bag that I had envisioned for 20 years or so. Speaking of an ideal item, I came across and wander’s pullover vest just when I wanted a breathable vest to wear when cycling.
The cap that I am wearing today is also special for me. I met this cap when I was watching Brooks Brothers’ runway show on TV and saw one of the models wearing it. It was so cool that I almost felt as if the cap was designed specifically for me. I visited one of the shops to inquire about the cap, but unfortunately, it was not for sale. I left a note with my name and contact information on it just in case, so I’ll know when it becomes a product. Surprisingly, 2 years later, I received a call from the shop that the cap is actually available in stores!

Lucas B.B. ルーカスB.B.

1971年、アメリカ・ボルティモア生まれ、サンフランシスコ育ち。大学卒業後、バックパックひとつで来日。1996年に「ニーハイメディア・ジャパン」を設立し、カルチャー誌「TOKION」を創刊。2002年にはトラベル・ライフスタイル誌「PAPERSKY」を創刊。雑誌制作以外にもイベントの企画・プロデュースなど、さまざまなフィールドでクリエイティブ活動を行う。2020年に、and wanderと「PAPERSKY」がコラボレーションして企画・運営を行う「OUTDOOR GALLERY」をオープン。

Lucas B.B. was born in Baltimore in 1971 and raised in San Francisco. After graduating university, he moved to Japan with a single backpack. He became the founder of “Knee High Media Japan” in 1996 and launched a culture magazine called “TOKION”. Also in 2002, he launched a travel and lifestyle magazine called “PAPERSKY”. His work goes beyond magazine publication; he is also engaged in various creative activities including event planning and production. In 2020, and wander and “PAPERSKY” opened the “OUTDOOR GALLERY”, where they hold various collaborative exhibitions.

text Sayoka Hayashi
photography Jun Fujiwara
translation Masumi Tokugawa