My way and and wander vol.5Ed TSUWAKI (Illustrator)and wander journal #18
Facing Constraints and
Slipping in New Expressions
I was never really conscious about “consistency”; I rather believe “change” is a natural part of life. If I take time to think over my experiences, I may find something that I can’t compromise on, but I’m more of a passive person. One of my biggest motivation as an artist, is to create something that best matches my client’s request and making them happy. I enjoy slipping in some new expressions that I have never tried before as I meet my client’s expectations. Basically, together with my art works, I have developed trusting relationships and a supportive environment over the years of my career. There will always be some constraints, but it’s not really a pain in the neck for me, because I believe that constraints are inevitable. This is somewhat similar to designing clothes. The proposition is to create something that can be “worn”. I think what’s important is how much you enjoy the process of creation while having that constraint.
Recently, I have stronger motivation to challenge myself to something new. Even during work, I would get inspired and excited when I make a new discovery. This year, I was able to spend some quality time to reflect on my previous works and fully analyze the archive. Although all my works were created for various purposes in different fields, they all had one thing in common: the androgynous style. Perhaps, these art works may be representing the “inner femininity” of myself. The thin layer on the surface keeps metabolizing, but after you peel off those layers and look into the core, you can feel the similarity which is the mixture of a masculine point of view and a feminine sensitivity. I guess when I draw an illustration of a woman, I’m actually projecting an image of an ideal woman from a man’s perspective as well as my inner femininity. And the reason why I talk and sound like a third person is because this expression was never intended to do; I was unconscious. I usually just follow my intuition. So, it’s just something that I recognized, when I come to think of it now.

世の中に溢れているものの中で自分の嗜好に合うものは多くありません。取捨選択することが人生なんじゃないかと思うほど。3、4年前に購入したand wanderのロングスリーブのTシャツは、散歩するときに年中着ています。サラッとした着心地で身体のどこにも負荷がかからないところが気に入ってます。ワンポイントのロゴも、絶妙な位置に付いていますよね。小さなポケットが秀逸で、自宅周辺の野山を歩くときには家の鍵だけをそこに入れて、財布すら持たない、まさに身ひとつで出掛けます。ファッションから触発されることは多々ありますが、自分の身につけるものに関してはこの先も本当に気に入ったものと長くつき合っていくんだと思います。
Enjoying an Empty-handed,
Stress-free Walk
Among the various products available on the market, only a few can suit your taste. In fact, I sometimes even think that life is all about making choices. I bought and wander’s long sleeve T about three or four years ago, but I still wear them all year round whenever I go out for a walk. What I like about this long sleeve T-shirt is its smooth texture. It’s very comfortable and stress-free. The brand logo is perfectly placed to enhance its uniqueness. It also has a small pocket design, which is convenient for storing my keys when I take a walk outside in nature around my neighborhood. I would just leave my house empty-handed, even without my wallet. I’m often inspired by fashion, but I am sure that the items that I choose to buy for myself will only be something that suits my taste and continue to be my long-time buddy.
1966年6月、広島市生まれ。1988年よりフリーランスのイラストレーター、ペインター、アートディレクター。2000年に株式会社エディション設立。広告、エディトリアル、装丁、ブランドとのコラボレーション、ライブペインティングなど様々な領域で活躍。Web : eeeeed.com
Born in Hiroshima, Japan in June 1966. A freelance illustrator as well as a painter and an art director since 1988. The founder of EDITION Inc. (established in 2000). Engages in various projects in different genres including ads, editorial, binding works, collaboration with global brands and live-painting events. Web : eeeeed.com
text Takashi Sakurai
photography Koichi Tanoue
translation Masumi Tokugawa