The Colors of Amami and wander journal #51
染色家の金井志人さんは、奄美の伝統技術・泥染めを今に伝える、金井工芸の二代目。伝統を受け継ぐだけでなく、様々な分野の作家とコラボレーションを重ね、自然の色による表現を探求しています。今回、OUTDOOR GALLERYに集まったのは、金井さんの生み出す色に魅了され、彼と共に制作を続けてきたクリエイターたち。布、写真、クラフトなど、異なる素材や表現手法が生み出す“色のちから”に触れることができます。自然の恵みが染め上げた空間をじっくりとお楽しみください。
12:00 – 19:00(最終日は17:00までとなります) 木曜定休
東京都渋谷区元代々木町22-8 3F, 4F
tel. 03-6407-8179
Textile dyer Yukihito Kanai is the second-generation proprietor of dyeing studio Kanai Kougei, which specializes in preserving and perpetuating the traditional Amami Oshima dyeing technique of Dorozome (mud dyeing). He not only upholds time-honoured techniques, but has also undertaken numerous collaborations with creators from diverse artistic disciplines as part of his continued pursuit of aesthetic expression using nature’s colours. We welcome to this OUTDOOR GALLERY a plethora of creators who, charmed by the colours Kanai creates, have all collaborated with him. Join us and discover the “power of colour” brought to life in an assortment of different materials and modes of expression, including cloth, photography and crafts. We invite you to relax and immerse yourself in the colours of nature’s bounty.
Friday, September 30 ~ Sunday November 6th, 2022
12:00 – 19:00 (closes at 17:00 on the last day), closed on Thursdays
3rd 4th Floor, 22-8 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya, Tokyo
tel. 03-6407-8179
“Life signs” inhabit nature’s raw colours.
Kanai’s dyeing studio Kanai Kougei is located in the town of Tatsugo-cho in northern Amami Oshima. This area and its untouched natural habitats and water sources are a long-established home to many dyeing traditions. The traditional Amami art of Oshima Tsumugi dyeing is one such technique that has been practiced on this land for many generations.
Dorozome is a natural dyeing technique that can be observed in only one place in the whole world - Amami Oshima.
A tannin dye that is made by boiling a wild native plant known as sharinbai reacts with the iron found in the local paddy fields, which are used as natural dye baths, to create a deep black colour.
Apart from Dorozome, Kanai also practices a wide range of other dyeing techniques that use natural ingredients, such as indigo and vegetable dyeing.

The dye created from Sharinbai is a reddish-brown colour. When used as a dye it gives the fabric a light pink hue that turns to a deep black when soaked in the mud of the paddy field. Repeating this process is what gives the colour its depth. When dyeing the silk yarn used for Oshima Tsumugi, this process has to be repeated nearly a hundred times, but the mud found in Amami is so fine that there is very little damage to the yarn or fabrics despite the repeated soaking.

Kanai cleans the mud off dyed yarn in the clear river water. He can use river water to wash his fabrics because his dyeing process uses only natural ingredients. Coexistence with nature is at the very heart of Dorozome.
When talking about his work Kanai talks about “being allowed” to dye the fabric rather than simply saying that he “dyes it”. This could be a manifestation of a sentiment that has been nurtured by his surroundings in Amami - a place where life is centred around “nature” rather than “people”.
“I want to bring out the colours that the soil and the plants have lived through. I believe that ‘life signs’ inhabit raw colours that can be created using natural ingredients.”
Kanai’s belief about the connection between nature, colour and life has brought together numerous creators who share this idea and choose to work alongside him. For this exhibition we are joined by five creative crews from different fields of aesthetic expression ranging from clothes and woodcraft to photography. The exhibition is an illustration of the reach and richness of Kanai’s creative work.

Five creative crews that have collaborated with Kanai participate in the exhibition.
A need for each other is the common thread running through all the collaborations.
Collaboration with Masashi Sueta from the Kagoshima based fashion brand HiHiHi started in 2008 when Sueta founded the brand. Sueta was born in Kagoshima, and wore his grandfather’s Kimono and Hakama made from Osihma Tsumugi at his coming of age ceremony. He was so impressed by the intensity and lustre of the colour of these garments, and the precision of the weave of the material, that after founding his own brand, he asked his friend Kanai to dye his fabrics.
According to Sueta, “the concept behind HiHiHi is to create garments that will make the wearer glow as they go about their day-to-day life. By dyeing simple items using Dorozome we create clothes that are all unique. I want people to feel the culture and history of Dorozome, the wisdom of our predecessors, and to know that no effort has been spared. I want people to recognise these as the colours of Kagoshima, my homeland”.
“Colour is like seasoning, like salt or soy sauce, and it is also a product of nature just as water, wind and light are” adds Sueta. Combining yellow from Fukugi trees to an Assam indigo base, and then layering Dorozome on top of that to add depth to the colour - such strong yet warm natural colours are what create the signature “close to nature” HiHiHi style.

One of the allures of HiHiHi is how the colours enhance the simple silhouette or playful patterns of the clothes. Depth is created by layering Assam Indigo, Fukugi and Dorozome.

A soft yellow dye using Fukugi. “Panelled Dress” ¥52,800
福岡のショップ・LIGHT YEARSと試みているのは、ヴィンテージキルトの天然染め。インドのヴィンテージキルトを藍泥染めすることで、新たな表情を引き出しています。LIGHT YEARSからは“このキルトをこんな色で染めてほしい”とオーダーがあるそう。「その通りに染めてみると彼らの狙いが理解できる。そのやりとりが面白いんです」と金井さん。藍泥染めを施したラグは、洗濯を繰り返すことで生地そのものの色や柄が徐々に現れ、時間と共に変化していく様も楽しめるそうです。
Fukuoka-based shop LIGHT YEARS dyes vintage quilts with natural dyes. By using indigo Dorozome they have succeeded in giving vintage Indian quilts a new look. According to Kanai, LIGHT YEARS will ask him to “dye this quilt this colour”. “Once I dye the fabric according to the colour that they have requested, I’m then able to understand their intention, and I find this interaction really interesting” says Kanai. The changing appearance of LIGHT YEARS indigo Dorozome rugs can be enjoyed over time as they will gradually reveal their original colour or pattern with washing.

藍泥染めを施したインドのヴィンテージキルト(カンタ)。デニムと同じように、経年変化による色落ちが楽しめる。「OVER DYE」¥50,600〜¥61,600。
Indigo dorozome Indian vintage quilts (Kantha). Like denim, enjoy how the colour of these quilts fades over time. “OVER DYE” ¥50,600 ~ ¥61,600

Other un-dyed vintage rugs are also on display at the exhibition.
京都で蜜蝋ラップを作るaco wrapも、金井さんと長きにわたりコラボレーションを続けています。色は5種類。蘇芳(スオウ)や翡翠(ヒスイ)といった日本の色の名が付けられ、この国の文化や自然への思いが感じられます。「自然素材から生まれる蜜蝋ラップは、呼吸をするラップです。それは、同じく呼吸し、経年変化で移り変わっていく自然の色にとってもありがたいことなんです」と金井さん。繰り返し使う中で色は変化し、徐々にラップに馴染んでいくそう。そして、最後は土に還る。aco wrapが目指す循環は、金井さんの自然への思いとも共鳴しています。
Kyoto-based beeswax wrap makers “aco wrap” also have a long-established collaboration with Kanai. Their wrap comes in five colours and is named after Japanese colours such as Suo (Sappanwood) or Hisui (Jade), demonstrating an appreciation of Japan’s culture and nature. “Beeswax wrap is made from natural materials and is breathable. This is also good for natural colours that also breath and change with time” says Kanai. The colour of the wrap will change with use and gradually blends with the fabric and the whole thing can eventually be returned to the soil. This cycle envisaged by “aco wrap” is in harmony with Kanai’s own feelings towards nature.

Available in five colours - Beeswax, Suo, Doro, Hisui and Blue.

S size ¥1,320, M size ¥1,650, L size ¥2,915
TIMBER CREW PRODUCTSと作ったのは、色も形もさまざまな積み木。〈ウッドロック〉と名付けられたTIMBER CREW PRODUCTSの定番アイテムで、製材の過程で出る木っ端を多角形状に仕上げて積み木にしたものです。それを金井さんが奄美の自然から生まれた多彩な色で染め上げました。
Kanai’s collaboration with TIMBER CREW PRODUCTS was for these wooden blocks of contrasting shapes and colours. Called “Wood rocks” they are a basicTIMBER CREW PRODUCTS creation. They use offcuts from wood cutting to make polygonal wooden blocks, which Kanai dyes using the colourful natural dyes created in Amami’s natural environment.

製材や加工段階で出る木っ端をアップサイクルした積み木。金井工芸による染めで、鮮やかな色に。「WOOD ROCK【AMAMI-IRO】」¥19,800
Wooden blocks made by upcycling offcuts produced during the wood cutting or wood working process. Colourfully dyed by Kanai Kogei. “WOOD ROCK ‘AMAMI-IRO’” ¥19,800

Single-flower vases of various shapes as sizes such as bowl or bottle-shaped. ¥11,000 ~ ¥24,200
「僕はTIMBER CREW PRODUCTSとの協業を通して木の扱い方を学びました」と金井さん。「コラボレーションの基本は、互いが互いの技術や知識を必要としていること。どの方とも細かく打ち合わせを重ねるというよりは、それぞれの領域を尊重しつつ、色については自然に委ねることを大切にしています。そうして様々な素材を染めることで、伝統の泥染めについても俯瞰できるんです」
Other items, such as solid wood pot mats, will also be on display at the exhibition. The power of colour reveals a new beauty in the wood for every item.
“The collaboration with TIMBER CREW PRODUCTS has taught me how to handle wood” reflects Kanai. “The foundation of any collaboration is the need felt by both parties for the skills or knowledge of the other. Rather than discussing everything in detail, it’s important to respect each other’s expertise and at the same time, when it comes to colour, I have always tried to entrust it to nature. Dyeing various different materials in this way enables me to get an overview of the tradition of Dorozome itself.”
Colours of Amami by photographer Yayoi Arimoto
Amongst the contributors there is one who has developed a different sort of relationship with Kanai, photographer Yayoi Arimoto. Since visiting Amami for the first time in approximately twenty years last Autumn, she has returned almost every month as if somehow constantly drawn to the island. Attracted to the nature and culture of Amami, she has photographed its changing landscapes through the seasons.
As part of this project, Arimoto photographed Kanai Kougei’s dorozome and Kanai was her guide when photographing traditional Izari fishing. Kanai reflects that when he was with Arimoto as she was taking photos he was “able to see Amami from a new perspective” as he observed what Arimoto “chose to capture through her lens”.

Arimoto’s photography is on display as soon as you enter the exhibition.

A photograph taken specifically for this exhibition that captures the light of the moon is also on display. Arimoto’s works are available for purchase.

An original poster made for this exhibition. Limited edition of 10 copies. ¥6,050
When asked “what do you think of as the colour of Amami?”, Arimoto replied “black”.
“As it’s a southern island, some people might think of tropical colours, but for me Amami is a world of blackness. Take Izari fishing for example, which is done in the middle of the night. It is thanks to the darkness of night that the colours of the sea creatures stand out. The same goes for a starry night sky. The weather on Amami is often quite dark, but it’s thanks to that that the orange colour of the Adan (Pandanus odoratissimus) tree’s fruit, or the blue of the Ryukyu Ruriminoki’s (Lasianthus fordii) fruit appear to shine even more brightly.”
Artwork for “appreciating colour”
Kanai’s artwork is also displayed at the exhibition. Kanai has created many two-dimensional works based on the concept of “appreciating colour”. His method involves dyeing traditional Sekishu-washi (a kind of traditional Japanese paper known for its durability) various colours. At this exhibition, as well these dyed Japanese paper artworks, larger creations that he has made by dyeing wooden panels will also be on display. You will also be able to appreciate the pairing of natural objects with natural dyes in works such as Kanai’s goat’s skull dyed with Dorozome that will also be exhibited.

色の美しさ、力強さ、微妙なグラデーションをダイレクトに感じられる平面作品。「dyed untitled」¥11,000〜¥77,000
A two-dimensional work that directly expresses the beauty, strength and exquisite gradation of colour. “dyed untitled” ¥11,000 ~ ¥77,000

奄美の森で見つけた山羊の骨を泥染めした作品。山羊の角を染めた「Black Horn」¥16,500
An artwork created from a goat’s skull found in an Amami forest and dyed with Dorozome. Dyed goat horns “Black Horn” ¥16,500
The presence of colour is life.
Kanai’s feelings about colour have deepened and diversified through his work as a dyer and through his own creative pursuits.
“I think that the presence of colour is similar to the presence of life” says Kanai.
“When I’m in Amami I don’t wear white very often. And I think this is because when I’m surrounded by nature, in other words living things, I feel that white clothes do not fit in somehow. White reminds me of bone, and the realm of the gods, something that’s not of this world. Black, on the other hand, like the black of Oshima Tsumugi, is a colour that cannot be created without a lot of effort. It feels like the culmination of living colours. Colours can connote many ideas or subjects, including elements of history, culture, or our five senses. The power of colour is hard to express, but I hope that you will be able to catch a glimpse of even just a small part of it through this exhibition.”
Yukihito Kanai
Born in Amami Oshima in 1979. Dyer. Second-generation proprietor of dyeing studio Kanai Kougei, which practices traditional natural dyeing techniques such as the Dorozome (mud dyeing) of Oshima Tsumugi. Ventures beyond the concept of traditional craft, dyeing non-fabric materials such as bone and coral, collaborating with apparel makers and creators and pursuing new expressions and values through dyeing.
写真家。大学卒業後、外資系航空会社にて乗務員として勤務。乗客の勧めで写真を撮り始める。2006年よりフリーランスフォトグラファーとして活動を開始。世界の衣食住、人々の営み、自然の在りよう、美しく奇妙なものに惹かれ撮影を続ける。主な写真集に『Magical Transit Days』(abp)、『わたしの獣たち』(青幻舎)がある。
Yayoi Arimoto
Photographer. After graduating from university worked as cabin crew for a foreign airline. Started photography after being encouraged to do so by passengers. Started her career as a freelance photographer in 2006. Her photography reflects her interest in all things beautiful and strange; food, clothing and shelter from around the world; people’s work; and nature. Her main collections include “Magical Transit Days” (abp) and “Beasts of Mine” (Seigensha)
Fashion brand directed by designer Masashi Sueta and pattern maker Yumiko Sueta. Founded in Okutama, Tokyo in 2008. Now based in designer Sueta’s birthplace - Kagoshima. Practices a simple yet distinctive “Monozukuri” (craftsmanship) that is close to nature and uses only carefully selected natural materials.
東京の調布市を拠点に活動する建材屋TIMBER CREWのプロダクトライン。建材を製造する過程で生まれた端材や、自然の造形を活かした切り株や丸太をアップサイクルしたプロダクトを発表する。木そのものの形状や存在感を生かした、手を加えすぎないデザインが特徴。
Product line of Tokyo, Chofu-based building material shop TIMBER CREW. Creates products that utilize naturally occurring wooden shapes by upcycling offcuts produced during the manufacturing of building materials, or tree stumps and logs. Known for their style that does not “over design” and instead brings out the shape and appearance of the wood itself.
LIGHT YEARS(ライトイヤーズ)
Fukuoka-based select shop that sells items collected during travels to India, Morocco, Central America, Africa and Europe. Has an established reputation for its vintage rugs and accessories, and furniture purchasing.
aco wrap(アコラップ)
aco wrap
Eco-wrap brand directed by Atsuko Kobayashi and Tan Kobayashi. Founded in 2017 and currently based in Kameoka city, Kyoto. Their reusable wrap is made with beeswax from Gifu prefecture and Fairtrade organic cotton.
* All prices include tax.
text Yuka Uchida
photography Yayoi Arimoto(KANAIKOUGEI), Machiko Fukuda (exhibition)
translation Yuko Caroline Omura