
About collaboration with MONCLER
Sergio Zambon interviewand wander journal #32

最高峰ダウンの代名詞ともいえるモンクレールのプロジェクト「モンクレール ジーニアス」から、and wanderとコラボレーションしたコレクションがローンチ。その立役者で、メンズのヘッドデザイナーを務めるセルジオ・ザンボン氏に、コラボレーション秘話をきいた。

MONCLER, a brand recognized as the pinnacle of down items, has launched a new collection in collaboration with and wander, as part of its GENIUS Project. We interviewed the project’s leading figure and menswear head designer, Sergio Zambon, about the inside story behind the collaboration.

プレミアムダウンの老舗ブランドとして知られるモンクレールにはさまざまなコレクションがある。なかでもセルジオ・ザンボン氏が手がけるのは、「モンクレール ジーニアス」のなかの「2 MONCLER 1952 MAN」。創業年の「1952」を掲げたクリエイティブなアイテムを展開するコレクションだ。
テーマを「東京」と掲げた今シーズン、東京生まれのand wanderとのコラボレーションが実現。コロナ禍で対面での打ち合わせができないなか、オンラインでの密な打ち合わせを重ね、都市と自然との境界を超えるような、頼もしくて美しい10アイテムが生まれた。これらは、どのような想いと経緯から誕生したのか、ザンボン氏にインタビュー。

MONCLER is known as a long-established premium down brand. Of its many collections, Sergio Zambon oversees “2 MONCLER 1952 MAN”, which is part of the MONCLER GENIUS” line. The collection, named after the brand’s founding year, is a creative range of items.
MONCLER and Japan’s and wander have launched a collaboration for the most recent Tokyo-themed season. While the pandemic has ruled out face-to-face meetings, a series of intimate online meetings led to the creation of ten dependable and beautiful items that transcend the boundaries between urban and nature. We interviewed Sergio Zambon about the story and his thinking behind their creation.





―東京発のファッションブランドはたくさんあります。そのなかでアウトドアをテーマにしたand wanderとのコラボレーションを決めた理由はなんでしょうか?

「私はいつも、and wanderの削ぎ落とされたミニマルで丁寧なディテールのストリートウェアのセンスに感心しており、ミニマルな側面を深く追求した今回のコレクションでは、非常によくマッチしていると考えていました。」

―First of all, please tell us why you decided to focus on “Tokyo” as this season’s theme.

“I always felt inspired by big cities and the style you can see on their streets. I think Tokyo is a very interesting metropolis and at a time when there are so many restrictions on travel, my mind travelled to Tokyo to find inspiration. I love the architecture of the city, its density (so many people in tiny crowded streets and amazing buildings both new and old) and the number of inputs that the city gives you.”

―If you’ve travelled to Tokyo in the past, please tell us your impression of Tokyo as a city.

“I feel Tokyo is a very forward city in terms of its new approach to style. I have been to Tokyo many times during my career and I have always tried to come and visit for work and pleasure. I feel very intrigued by the Japanese aesthetic, from classic architecture to the most modern forms of transportation.”

―There are many Tokyo fashion brands. Of these, could you tell us why you chose to collaborate on an outdoor themed collection with and wander?

“I always admired their sense of pared down, minimal, and carefully detailed streetwear and I thought it matched perfectly with this collection where I delve deep into the minimal side of things.”

―モンクレールの本社があるイタリアや、発祥のフランスでは、アルピニズムの文化が継承されています。モンクレールはアウトドアブランドではないとはいえ、今回のand wanderのコラボレーションには、外で遊ぶことの豊かさや楽しさを伝えたいという思いもあったのでしょうか? また、いつ、どこでand wanderを知ったのかも教えていただきたいです。

「私がand wanderを知ったのは5年前の旅行です。一目見た瞬間からとても面白いと感じました。 今回のコラボレーションで意図したのは、アウトドアをコンセプトにした2つのブランドの独特のテイストとDNAを、都市に移すことをイメージして、遊ぶことでした。」

―今回のアイテムについて、and wanderからのデザインや素材の提案で、今までのジーニアスコレクションにはない視点、おもしろいと感じた部分があれば教えてください。

「カットソーや生地のテイストや扱い方にとても興味をもちました。そのテイストは、「2 MONCLER 1952」のコレクションを凌ぐ、本物のアウトドアスタイルからきているものです。」

―A culture of alpinism is deep rooted in Italy, where MONCLER is based, and in France, where it was founded. Although MONCLER is not an outdoor brand, do you see this collaboration with and wander as a way to express the richness of experience and enjoyment that can be gained from spending time outdoors? Also, when and where did you learn of and wander?

“I discovered and wander around five years ago during one of my trips and I found it interesting at first sight. My intention was to play with the distinctive tastes and DNA of the two brands, both conceived for the outdoors but which I always imagined moved to an urban context.”

―Did you come across any new points of view or things you found interesting in the designs or materials proposed by and wander for these items?

“I was very intrigued by the taste for cut and sewn, the fabrics and the way the fabrics are treated. That taste comes more from the real outdoor styles than the ‘2 MONCLER 1952’ collection.”


「個人的に気に入っているのは、もちろん「2 MONCLER 1952」のアイコンであるダウンジャケットにリフレクター素材を使って再解釈したジャケットです。非常に小さな白いドットが付いたダブルカラーの新しいジップや、ベルの形をしたモンクレールのロゴと、三角形のand wanderが一緒になったロゴの形がとてもユニークかつグラフィックで気に入っています。」

―and wanderの特徴でもあるリフレクターのステッチは、技術的に難しい縫製で、日本のなかでも限られた工場でしか実現できません。モンクレールでは、どういった工場・職人さんを起用されていますか? 基準などはあるのでしょうか?


―You’re also making jackets based on the iconic Dervaux and Maya models. Are there certain items or details in the collection that you particularly like and if so why?

“My favorite item of the collaboration is for sure the reinterpretation of the ‘2 MONCLER 1952’ iconic down jacket in reflective fabric and with the new zips in double color with very tiny white dots. I also like the shape of the two logos which are very unique., The MONCLER logo that has the shape of a bell and the triangle of and wander together - it is very graphic.”

―Reflective stitch, which is a feature of and wander, is technically very difficult with only a few factories in Japan capable of it. What sort of factories or artisans do you work with at MONCLER? Are there any standards or criteria you require?

“As you know, Italy and Japan are highly specialized in textile and manufacturing, that’s another common point! I shared the final selection with our production manager after reviewing several trials of some of the best manufacturers from the north of Italy. I think excellence is the standard and the best result the criteria!”



―ジャケットは、「bunkyo jacket」「edogawa jacket」「itabashi jacket」のように、東京23区を冠した商品名となっています。それはザンボン氏が名付けたのでしょうか? そうであれば、その区を冠した理由を教えてください。




―In what situation would you personally want to wear the items from this collection?

“Everywhere, of course! I think the collaborated items are for almost every kind of situation but I imagine myself wearing the reflecting down jacket to go to a museum on Sunday or when visiting my friends. In very relaxed situations.”

―The jackets, such as “Bunkyo Jacket” “Edogawa Jacket” and “Itabashi Jacket”, are named after the 23 wards of Tokyo. Did you name these yourself and if so what’s the reason for using the names of Tokyo wards as prefixes?

“I am not generally involved in the names selection process but in this case, I thought it was a very kind homage to the city where the inspiration comes from.”

―Do you have any favorite locations in Tokyo?

“I love modern art and love to visit the museums such as Watari-um Museum and Taka Ishii Gallery.”

―今回の新型コロナウイルスの感染・拡大により、日本では自然のなかで楽しむキャンプが流行していますが、ヨーロッパではどうでしょうか? 休日の過ごし方を含め、人々のライフスタイルは今後、どのように変化すると思いますか?

「コロナ禍におけるアウトドアアクティビティとは、人々を都市のすぐ近くにある自然へ誘うすべての活動を指していて、それらは拡大していると思います。将来の都市計画においても、都市の中の自然という側面は、ますます発展していくと思います。 そうですね、最初の変化としては、人々が休暇の自由時間を今よりも増やそうとすることで、仕事がさらに整理されるのではないでしょうか。」



―Due to the COVID pandemic, camping which can be enjoyed outdoors, is very popular in Japan at the moment. What about in Europe? How do you think people’s lifestyles are going to change from now on, including how we spend our free time?

“I think with COVID, the popularity of outdoor activities, and by that I mean all the activities that bring people to nature usually very close to cities, is growing. I also think that this aspect of nature in the cities will be developed more and more in future town planning. Yes, the first change will be people trying to have more free time for holidays than now, so work will be even more organized in a way to create more free time.”

―Do you think the world of fashion will also change along with this?

“I will not say fashion will be affected, but as usual it will change itself to reinvent our needs.”


FENDI で12年務めた後、ACNE STUDIOSではメンズのヘッドデザイナーとして活躍。2018年に「モンクレール ジーニアス」プロジェクトに参画し、「2 MONCLER 1952」始動時より、メンズのヘッドデザイナーを務める。

Sergio Zambon’s Profile

After working at Fendi for 12 years, Sergio Zambon went on to become head designer of menswear at ACNE STUDIOS. In 2018 he founded the “MONCLER GENIUS” project and became menswear head designer with the start of the “2 MONCLER 1952” project.

text euphoria FACTORY
translation Yuko Caroline Omura